Perspectives On The Sources And Eventual Outcome Of The 2008 Economic And Financial Crisis: A Panel Discussion


In October 2008 the Southern Utah University School of Business held a panel discussion on the current economic crisis. This discussion was part of the School’s Business Convocation series and was open to the public. The panel was designed with two components in mind. First, a pair of academics with expertise in financial institutions and business cycles offered historical and theoretical perspectives on the crisis. Second, a pair of professionals – a local banking official and a fund manager – offered perspectives on the current financial situation and practical experience based on the policy responses to past crises. As moderator, Joe Baker asked each panelist to make a short presentation on a question of general interest that was related to their area of expertise; this was followed by an open question and answer session. The participating panelists and opening questions follow. 1. Stephen Evans, Professor of Finance: Dr. Evans teaches courses on financial institutions and was asked to provide background of how the crisis occurred and what the proposed government bailout plan is expected to accomplish. 2. David Tufte, Associate Professor of Economics: Dr. Tufte is a macroeconomist and was asked to discuss the macroeconomic implications of the crisis in such areas as inflation, interest rates, economic growth and unemployment. 3. Mr. Robb Kerry, Chief Credit Officer of ADB Bank: Mr. Kerry has an extensive background in banking as a bank regulator and banker. Mr. Kerry was asked to discuss the implications of the crisis on banking credit and lending. Mr. Steve Harrop, Finance Professional in Residence: Mr. Harrop was a mutual fund manager for several decades before joining the School of Business faculty where he teaches investments and manages (pro bono) an investment fund. Mr. Harrop will discuss the implications of the crisis on the stock and bond markets

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