Characteristics and prognosis of adolescent and young adult (AYA) breast cancers at Kawasaki Medical School Hospital, Okayama


 Adolescent and young adults(AYA)世代の癌は一般成人の癌に比べ,頻度は低いものの妊孕性の維持など複雑な問題を抱えている.AYA 世代の後半30から39歳では,乳癌の発生頻度が最も高い.今回我々は,AYA 世代の乳癌患者を後方視的に調査し,予後因子を解析した. 対象は2010年1月~2018年12月に川崎医科大学附属病院乳腺甲状腺外科で治療を行った40歳未満の AYA 世代乳癌患者123名(AYA 群).また同期間に治療を受けた40歳以上の非若年乳癌患者1,541名(非若年群)と予後の比較を行った.無病生存率(DFS),全生存率(OS)の予後因子は,単変量解析及び多変量解析で分析した. 両側性乳癌,非浸潤癌,データ不足例を除外した1,322名(AYA 群が99名,非若年群が1,223名)の乳癌患者が予後解析の対象となった.5年 DFS は AYA 群で81.5%,非若年群は91.3%であり,AYA 群で有意に不良であった(P = 0.0007).臨床病期を揃えると,病期Ⅱのみで両群間に有意差が認められた(P = 0.0319).5年 OS は AYA 群,非若年群ともに96.7% であり,差は認められなかった.AYA 群の DFS 予測因子は,単変量解析では,臨床病期Ⅱ期以上,腫瘍浸潤径2cm 超,血管侵襲陽性が有意の予後不良因子であった.多変量解析では,臨床病期Ⅱ期以上,血管侵襲陽性が独立した予後不良因子であった.OS では,単変量解析では血管侵襲因子のみが OS の有意の予測因子として抽出された.多変量解析では,血管侵襲因子とトリプルネガティブサブタイプが,独立した予後不良因子であった.妊娠関連乳癌は,DFS, OS ともに有意の予後因子とならなかった. AYA 群は非若年群に比べて5年 DFS が有意に悪かった.AYA 群の予後因子として,血管侵襲因子が重要なことが示唆された. Adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancers are infrequent compared with common cancers but have complicated problems such as fertility preservation. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women aged between 30 and 39. In the present study, we conducted a retrospective cohort study to characterize AYA breast cancers and to analyze predictive factors for prognosis. A total of 123 AYA breast cancer patients under 40 years-old treated in our department in Kawasaki Medical School Hospital, Okayama, between January 2010 and December 2018 (AYA group) were the study subject group. Prognostic data of 1,541 breast cancer patients older than 39 years of age treated in the same department and period (elder group) was obtained to compare with that of the AYA group. Possible prognostic factors for disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) were investigated using either univariate or multivariate analyses. After excluding patients with bilateral breast cancers, non-invasive breast cancers and/or insufficient clinicopathological data, a total of 1,332 patients (99 for the AYA group and 1,223 for the elder group) were the subjects for analysis of prognosis. Five-year DFS for the AYA group was significantly worse than that for the elder group (81.5% for the former, 91.3% for the latter, P = 0.0007). This was significantly worse in the AYA group at stageⅡ(P = 0.0319) but not at the other stages. Five-year OS was almost identical between the two groups (P = 0.5532). Univariate analysis for DFS in the AYA group showed that later stage (stageⅡor Ⅲ), invasive tumor size of over 2 cm and positive vascular invasion were significantly worse prognostic factors. Multivariate analysis showed that later stage and positive vascular invasion were independent prognostic factors. With regard to OS, univariate analysis revealed that only positive vascular invasion was a worse prognostic factor. Multivariate analysis revealed that positive vascular invasion and triple negative subtype were independent worse prognostic factors. Pregnancy-associated breast cancer was not a significant prognostic factor for either DFS or OS. In conclusion, five-year DFS was significantly worse in the AYA group than in the elder group. Presence of vascular invasion was suggested to be an important worse prognostic factor for either DFS or OS

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