The Use of Fuzzy Logic in Developing Competitiveness Strategy Toward Small and Medium Enterprises (Grocery)


Lack of professionalism in management system can be viewed as a negative factor for most groceries stores in Indonesia. It happens because their management background in managing the trade is still using network and kinship. Furthermore, lack of professionalism can be determined as the main weakness of groceries in facing AEC 2015, since 2015 ASEAN will be the only market that is supported by free goods, services, investments, capitals, and skilled worker. This condition is worsened by unhealthy competition between groceries and modern mini-market coupled with hypermart. In order to be able to compete with those stores, grocery needs to develop their system and managerial pattern. In other words, they need to develop their system from traditional into professional (equipped with legal aspect and utilizing modern technology). Changing direction from network and kinship into the professional system means that groceries need to be more focus on creating unique characteristics and professional competitiveness. It can be shown by changing lazy coupled with easy to give up attitude into high discipline and unyielding attitude. All efforts mentioned above need to be collected in a container in order to create synergy and compact advantage. The present study aims to identify competitiveness of Indonesian groceries in facing AEC. The present research uses expert analysis in form of Fuzzy Logic system which utilizes SWOT analysis in analyzing the competitiveness of Indonesian groceries in facing AEC. Internal issues coupled with external factors that are possessed by the groceries will be elaborated further in the present research. Expert analysis taken from Fuzzy Logic system is projected to help groceries in making strategic competitiveness decision to compete within AEC. Based on SWOT and cross tabulation analysis, it shows that implementation of information system concerning competitiveness of groceries has concrete relation toward efficiency of the business process and trading productivity since groceries are helped in making a decision and applying the system even those groceries do not have good managerial background. Keywords: Competitiveness Strategy, Small and Medium Enterprises, Fuzzy Logic, Managerial

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