The Status of Women Leaders in Utah Higher Education: A 2021 Update


In 2014, the Utah Women & Leadership Project (UWLP) released a research and policy brief titled, “The Status of Women Leaders in Utah Education,” and in 2017 an update brief was published. These reports focused on the status of women’s leadership in both K–12 and postsecondary education across the state of Utah. This brief provides an update for 2021, focused only on the higher education portion of the previous briefs. The purpose of this brief is to determine what, if any, progress has been made in women’s leadership within Utah’s higher education sector, including public and the two largest private institutions, as well as technical colleges, which were combined with the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) in July 2020 to form the Utah Board of Higher Education (UBHE). This brief compares Utah data with national data and reviews the applicable literature. Comparisons will also be drawn by looking at Utah’s data from 2014, 2017, and 2021

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