Seasonal variation of hip fractures in patients with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo


Introduction: Seasonal variation of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) presentation has been reported, with higher rates of presentation in months associated with times of lower serum vitamin D levels. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between the timing of hip fracture in patients with BPPV. Methods: A retrospective review (2013 to 2019) of adult patients was performed at a tertiary care academic center to identify patients with hip fracture due to ground level fall (ICD-10 code S72) and a previously established diagnosis of vestibular disorder (ICD-10 codes H81-83, A88.1, and R42). Included patients were matched by age and sex to control for patients who had hip fracture without a vestibular diagnosis. Patient charts were reviewed, and demographic and clinical data were extracted related to hip fracture and prior vestibular diagnosis. Groups were subdivided based on whether patients had a hip fracture from January to June versus July to December. Fisher’s exact test was used to evaluate for a difference in seasonal variation between groups. Results: There were 201 patients with vestibular disorders of whom 27 patients carried the diagnosis of BPPV, with a mean age of 80.4 years. The rates of hip fracture among patients with BPPV was higher in the period extending from January to June (63.0%) versus July to December (37.0%), [odds ratio 1.59, 95% CI 0.66-4.00]. The rate of hip fracture was not significantly different between these time periods for the control group (51.7% versus 48.3%) or the vestibular group (53.2% versus 46.8%). Conclusion: These results offer preliminary evidence that, in addition to an increased presentation for BPPV during months associated with decreased serum vitamin D, injuries due to BPPV may be increased as well. The present study is limited by the statistical power afforded by the small number of patients with BPPV and hip fracture that were identified

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