Assessment of left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony by phase analysis of gated-SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging and tissue Doppler imaging: Comparison between QGS and ECTb software packages


Background: Recently, the phase analysis of gated single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) has become feasible via several software packages for the evaluation of left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony. We compared two quantitative software packages, quantitative gated SPECT (QGS) and Emory cardiac toolbox (ECTb), with tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) as the conventional method for the evaluation of left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony. Methods and Results: Thirty-one patients with severe heart failure (ejection fraction ≤35%) and regular heart rhythm, who referred for gated-SPECT MPI, were enrolled. TDI was performed within 3 days after MPI. Dyssynchrony parameters derived from gated-SPECT MPI were analyzed by QGS and ECTb and were compared with the Yu index and septal-lateral wall delay measured by TDI. QGS and ECTb showed a good correlation for assessment of phase histogram bandwidth (PHB) and phase standard deviation (PSD) (r = 0.664 and r = 0.731, P < .001, respectively). However, the mean value of PHB and PSD by ECTb was significantly higher than that of QGS. No significant correlation was found between ECTb and QGS and the Yu index. Nevertheless, PHB, PSD, and entropy derived from QGS revealed a significant (r = 0.424, r = 0.478, r = 0.543, respectively; P < .02) correlation with septal-lateral wall delay. Conclusion: Despite a good correlation between QGS and ECTb software packages, different normal cut-off values of PSD and PHB should be defined for each software package. There was only a modest correlation between phase analysis of gated-SPECT MPI and TDI data, especially in the population of heart failure patients with both narrow and wide QRS complex. © 2014, American Society of Nuclear Cardiology

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