A comprehensive study on Twak Shareera and an experimental study to evaluate histological changes observed by application of Jathyadi Taila


Background: Twak is the outermost protective layer as well as largest sensory organ of body. Acharya Susrutha and Acharya Charaka described its layers according to their functions and diseases, which are related to those layers. It is the location of sweat channels, hairs and hair pits. It is the largest organ constituting 15 -20% of total body mass. Objectives: To do the literary study of Twak Shareera as explained in Samhitha, Comparative study of Twak Shareera with contemporary science and to study the wound healing process on the effect of Jathyadi Taila in experimental Wistar albino rats with control, standard and test group with the help of histological observation. Methodology: Literary study was done by collecting references from different Samhitas, contemporary science, journals and web sites. Experimental study was carried out on albino rats, wound is made under aseptic conditions and the skin is taken for histopathological study. Jathyadi Taila is applied at the site of wound in test group, Povidone- iodine is applied in Standard group and control group is left for natural healing. The skin is taken for histopathological studies on the 24th day in all the three groups. Results: The event in the wound healing like inflammatory phase, the granulation tissue, fibroblast etc are seen in histopathological studies. Application of Jathyadi Taila has shown significant results in wound healing and scar remodelling. The data shows there was Increase in percentage wound contraction of healing in standard and test group, when compared to the normal control group. The observed increase was found to be statistically significant. Conclusion: Jathyadi Taila does Shodhana and Ropana of Vrana by the virtue of its ingredients and its properties. Jathyadi Taila has shown significant results in wound healing and scar remodelling

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