Management of Chronic Migraine (Ardhavabhedaka) through Ayurvedic herbo-mineral drugs : A Case Study


Migraine is a neuro vascular disorder characterized by recurrent attacks of pulsatile headache of varying intensity and is generally accompanied with nausea and vomiting, sensitive to light and sound. It is most common headache that generally afflicts ~15% of women and 6% of men. WHO has ranked migraine as a no. 19 among all the diseases worldwide causing disability. In Ayurveda it is well correlated as Ardhavabhedaka, one of the Shiroroga out of 11 mentioned by Acharya Sushruta   based on the similarities in etiology, pathophysiology, symptoms and treatment principles. Ardhavabhedaka is a Tridoshaja Vyadhi. In allopathic Science many pharmacological strategies like, Antidepressants, Antiseizure drugs, and BP lowering medications (In hypertensive) are commonly used for the quick relief from Migraine pain but it adds drowsiness, insomnia and depression too; as a complication. This case study is about a patient having Chronic migraine for 3 years with generalized burning sensation all over the body, insomnia and stress. Ayurvedic Management with inclusion of Panchkarma procedures like shirodhara and nasya along with internal herbomineral medications have helped immense to get rid off the symptoms

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