Concept of Oushadha Samyoga in Ayurveda


Ayurvedic medicines have an exceptional way of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. The pharmacological actions of Ayurvedic drugs were explained through Rasa, Guna, Virya, Vipaka, Prabhava etc. Ayurveda is well known for both single and polyherbal formulation, among them poly herbal formulations have prime role because of its multiple pharmacological actions. Various basic concepts of Ayurveda such as Samyoga, Samskara, Rasapanchaka, Anupana etc were playing behind the formation of polyherbal formulation. The concept of Samyoga, is the essential norm behind the formation of Polyherbal preparations. Thus, literary review mainly intended to know the role of Samyoga in the preparation of various Ayurvedic poly herbal preparations and to highlight their importance of Oushadha Samyoga (multidrug/ polyherbal formulation) in the present era

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