Editor's Introduction


In the 2021 June issue of the Journal (NS 33), Anna Green announced that it was to be her final issue as editor, a role she took up in 2013. The December issue last year was a Special Issue with a particular focus on Pacific Research in Aotearoa, so it is appropriate to begin this open issue with an acknowledgement of Anna’s exceptional work as editor of what is the most significant journal of New Zealand studies.  Only those who have themselves edited a journal over any length of time fully appreciate the challenges of the task—the more so when it evolves from a print journal to one that is wholly online. Anna’s stewardship of the Journal through that time has been exemplary, and that it remains a strong and vibrant home for the publication of research in New Zealand studies is its own tribute to her energy and her scholarly care for the field. Readers of the Journal are very much in her debt

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