Energy Potential of Cattails (Typha spp.) and Productivity in Managed Stands


Because of their high productivity in both natural and managed stands, cattails are being considered as a potential energy crop . Yields of 40 tons per hectare, including above and below ground biomass, have been reported (Moss et al., 1977). Yields from plants grown in managed paddies on peat are generally 20-30 percent lower. The maximum shoot weight occurs in August while maximum below ground biomass is reached in October. Total biomass increased with increasing rates of fertilizer application but differences were not significant. Differences between the initial nutrient contents of the two peat types used were more important than fertilizer levels. Significant differences in yield were obtained by increasing the planting rate from 12 to 48 rhizomes per plot. Further studies on natural stands are under way at the Carlos Avery Wildlife Area

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