Анемия у реконвалесцентов тяжелой пневмонии: нецелесообразность использования ферропрепаратов


In 79 reconvalescents from severe pneumonia, marked hypotransferrinemia and high level of ferritine were observed, making it of no use and effect to administer ferric preparations without strict control for the danger of hemochromatosis. The risk of “iron overload syndrome” is especially high in children to whom blood, red cells or washed red cells were transfused, or in children showing signs of liver affection during pneumonia. A method to normalize red blood, including phytotherapy, hepatic protectors and membrane—stabilizing agents, as well as to decrease the risk of intestinal dysbacteriosis and to skip iron overloading in children, having recovered from severe pneumonia, was proposed.

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