Integrated Solutions for Daylighting and Electric Lighting: IEA SHC Task 61/EBC Annex 77, Subtask D – Proposal and First Results


The integration of daylight and electric lighting, considering user satisfaction and energy savings potentially can contribute significantly to reduce energy demand for lighting, that represents 18% of global energy demands. This paper presents the work and first results of IEA SHC Task 61/EBC Annex 77 “Integrated Solutions for Daylighting and Electric Lighting: From component to user centered system efficiency”, a joint project activity between the Solar Heating and Cooling (SHC) and Energy in Buildings and Communities (EBC). The project deals with the idea that an integrated design approach for the whole system, combining daylighting, electric lighting, the associated lighting controls and the users’ interaction, can achieve higher energy saving than the simple energy-efficient design of single components. First results show the main experience from three completed case studies

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