Editor\u27s Choice: Aldo Leopold Conservation Award


Every year since 2003, the American Society of Mammalogists confers during its annual meeting the Aldo Leopold Conservation Award on a highly deserving individual. A consequence of the award for the awardee is the responsibility to write a feature article in the pages of this journal. Aldo Leopold, the namesake of the award, is considered by an overwhelming majority of biologists to be the father of contemporary conservation biology. Born in Burlington, Iowa, Leopold graduated with a Master’s degree from the Yale Forest School, which had been endowed in 1902 by the Pinchot family and was one of the first institutions to grant graduate degrees in forestry in the United States. At Yale, Leopold was educated in the tradition of Gifford Pinchot’s Resource Conservation Ethic, which, while advocating for “the greatest good of the greatest number for the longest time” (Pinchot 1947) nevertheless reduced the environment to “just two things on this material earth—people and natural resources” (Pinchot 1947), with natural resources to be used by and for people

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