Advancing global equity in cancer genomics – challenges and opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa


Developments in genomics in the last decade has improved our understanding of the role of genetics in health and disease. One area where the impact of genomics is very noticeable is in oncology, specifically in terms of diagnosis and elucidating genetic predisposition to rare and common cancers. Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) stands to benefit from cancer genomics, given recent spikes in the incidence of various types of cancers in the region. This mini review presents, from a health and science equity perspective, how genomics could shape cancer research and clinical care in SSA. We highlight some pan-African genomics and cancer initiatives that are facilitating cancer genomics research in SSA. We conclude with recommendations on how the ideals of equity may be advanced in cancer genomics initiatives in SSA.The Sickle Africa Data Coordinating Centre, the South Africa Medical Research Council and the National Research Foundation. Pathology and Oral Biolog

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