Impacts of agricultural mechanization adoption on floodplain sugar-cane (Saccharrum officinarum L.) farmers’ income in Mubi, N.E. Nigeria


I. J. Tekwa1, G. M. Bunu1, M. S. Abubakar2(1. Department of Agricultural Technology, Federal Polytechnic, P.M.B 35, Mubi;2. Department of Agricultural Engineering Technology, Federal Polytechnic, P.M.B 35 Mubi)Abstract: A survey was conducted in order to assess the effectiveness of agricultural mechanization adoption on floodplain sugar-cane farmers’ income in four locations, namely: Bahuli, Muchalla, Mijulu and Kirya, all within Mubi area.  The survey was conducted during growing season between September, 2006 and May, 2007.  Information related to the subject was sourced from target farmers (80) through purposively administered questionnaires.  Information sought centered on inventory of practiced technologies, levels of adoption and its economic returns.  Data generated during the study were statistically validated using the test-re-test method of reliability test and correlated positively (r=0.80).  The data were analyzed and compared using simple bar charts, percentages, chi–square and Likert scaling test types.  It was indicated that there was a higher concentration of traditional technologies among the farmers prior to the adoption of modern agricultural mechanization as judged numerically.  However, despite the awareness by the extension workers, there were about 5% of farmers who were adamant of the modern technological changes.  Also, about 95% of the farmer population experienced drastic rise in farm output and sales income from their sugar-cane produce after the adoption process. Sugar-cane farmers’ perception analysis further attested to positive effectiveness of both the modern agricultural mechanization and farm incomes during the study period.  The challenge for better prospective outputs further depends on the extent of extension awareness among practicing farmers in the study area.Keywords: adoption rate, farm input, farmers’ perception, traditional technology, modern technology, NigeriaCitation: Tekwa, I. J., G. M. Bunu, and M. S. Abubakar.  Impacts of agricultural mechanization adoption on floodplain sugar-cane (Saccharrum officinarum L.) farmers’ income in Mubi, N.E. Nigeria.  Agric Eng Int: CIGR Journal, 2010, 12(2): 42-48.&nbsp

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