A study plan for investigating Smart brush for better oral hygiene in frail elderly


Oral health in Australia’s older population is of great concern and studies show that two-thirds of residents in aged care facilities have significant oral problems. Cognitive, and functional alterations that accumulate while ageing leads to increasing care dependency which then impacts on the ability to maintain good oral health. This paper presents ideas for a pilot investigation into the effectiveness of smart brush technology for improving oral health among the elderly. The proposed pilot study will follow a design that incorporates a Critical Realist methodological perspective known as the Context- Initiative-Mechanism-Outcome approach with a theoretical perspective, the theory of interactive Media effects (TIME). This paper presents a proposition suggesting smart brush as a means for improving oral health among the elderly through identification of context (frail elderly), initiative (smart brush), mechanism (interaction with the smart brush affordances), and outcome (improved oral health). Both qualitative (interviews) and quantitative data (plaque score, brushing duration/coverage) will be collected and analyzed for testing the proposition

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