Use of a Technology-Mediated Learning Instructional Approach For Teaching an Introduction to Information Technology Course


Several years ago, Ives and Jarvenpaa (1996, p. 34) suggested: To many, the Internet technologies resemble the personal computer revolution of the early 1980s, which transformed information management. Today, while educational institutions continue to expand the instructional use of the Internet and web-based technologies, there remains much to be learned about the effectiveness of various technology-mediated learning approaches. Various formats for course designs that use technology are being tried and are commonly referred to today as e-courses. Similarly, student learning constitutes increasing degrees of technology use as part of the course. This paper provides information on using the Internet and web-based technologies as part of an instructional design. The Introduction to Information Technology course upon which the paper is based features an approach that both exemplifies the benefits of using technology while maintaining the richness of a class setting. Student reactions to the course conclude the paper

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