Managing quality/skilled people to support organizational capabilities, and business development


This paper is a conceptual and review paper discusses management of quality/skilled people or talent, knowledge management, and leadership aim at figuring out the relation between people capabilities, commitment, and connectedness with individual and group performance and organizational success. This paper also provides a figure of people performances and potentials that show the high and top performers in an organization who are above the average line. The discussion on quality/skilled people and leadership highlights the need of quality/skilled people or talent to have fundamental skills of leadership and also the readiness of them to be promoted due to their positions as leader candidates and the stars in organization, as well as the need of organization to smoothening the succession planning in line with the positions changing plan of organization. The discussion on the relation of managing quality/skilled people or talent with managing knowledge provides an insight how knowledgeable, skillful people with good attitudes, become the assets of organization to increase customer value and to make the knowledge visible. This paper reveals that knowledge, quality/skilled people, technological, and leadership, are all important elements in supporting the business expansions of a company

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