Probabilistic Assessment of Handling Qualities Constraints in Aircraft Preliminary Design


Presented at the 36th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, NV, January 12-15, 1998.A method is introduced and demonstrated which uses parametric stability derivative data (in the form of regression equations) and probabilistic analysis techniques to evaluate the impact of uncertainty on the handling qualities characteristics of a family of aircraft alternatives. While the method is based on the use of elementary design parameters familiar to the configuration designer, it enables the computation of responses more familiar to the stability and control engineer. This connection is intended to bring about a more complete accounting of stability and handling quality characteristics in aircraft design, based on engineering analysis instead of historical data. Another key advantage of the method is that it allows for the quantification of analysis imprecision and information quantity/quality trades through fidelity uncertainty models. The metrics for these quantifications are the cumulative distribution function and probability sensitivity derivatives. The method is exemplified through the investigation of the longitudinal handling qualities trends for a defined High Speed Civil Transport design space, in the presence of fidelity uncertainty in the stability derivatives

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