A survey on the industry-university management development


This paper explores the marketing feasibility of aligning postgraduate business studies in the public sector in Kuching in the state of Sarawak with major public and commercial corporations for internalIzation processes that involve learning, research and consultancy. Analyzing the perceptual and factual dimensions of management of various industries in the private sector on the degree ease and difficulty of collaboration will detennine how far this type of business and technological partnership or possibly even consonium has been tapped or left untapped is typicaJly the core of this study. Fifty samples from five inciustries were taken and the fIndings was that twelve of these firms have employees with postgraduate business qualifications and seventeen of the total number of finns surveyed preferred local business graduates from public universities. The response to collaboration in the field of learning and research is moderate but there arc many unknown reasons for of no answers for parts of the survey pertaining to the methods of training and constraints of budgetary and resources considerations of the finns surveyed. l"evertheless the swvey is quite a success in assessing the private sector outlook in the development of industry-academic management. Raising public concern fmm the private sector regarding the vital issue of collaboration with the academic management is part of our duty to enhance the potentia! of developing a truly multit:1ceted taskforce of manpower resources with multitasking capabilities in order L, meet the local, regional and international demands for inllovation and capitalizatioll

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