Interface of Building Information Modeling and Blueprints on Construction Sites


Master's thesis in Industrial economics and technology management (IND590)This Master’s thesis discloses the impact of Building Information Modeling (BIM) during the delivery phase of large-scale construction projects. The Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry is gradually adopting more digital solutions in the pursuit of increasing operational efficiency and becoming more sustainable. In this regard, it is expedient to investigate whether the new tools and processes that BIM entails can provide the on-site delivery team with a better foundation of blueprints than traditional 2D paper-based drawings. The study was conducted through qualitative methods with an analytical generalization approach, including literature and case studies. Four different projects were examined through exploratory semi-structured interviews with key project representatives. The findings suggest that the implementation of on-site BIM through interfaces such as tablets and smartphones can enhance production activities and provide the delivery team with an improved and more comprehensive foundation of blueprints. However, several challenges must be considered. The projects investing in implementing digital solutions today are facilitating long-term value creation and are contributing to driving the industry forwards. Keywords: Building Information Modeling; Blueprints; Interface; Digital transformation

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