Efeito terap?utico do treinamento f?sico na s?ndrome metab?lica induzida por dieta hiperlip?dica em ratos.


Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Sa?de e Nutri??o. Escola de Nutri??o, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.A s?ndrome metab?lica (SM) ? caracterizada pela coexist?ncia de altera??es metab?licas como ac?mulo de tecido adiposo branco visceral, resist?ncia ? insulina, dislipidemias, hipertens?o arterial, disfun??o endotelial e estado pr?-inflamat?rio. O treinamento f?sico (TF) tem sido reconhecido por prevenir o desenvolvimento da SM por reduzir o tecido adiposo branco e aumentar os dep?sitos de tecido adiposo marrom (TAM), a sensibilidade perif?rica ? insulina e o gasto energ?tico. Por?m, poucos estudos t?m descrito a respeito da efici?ncia do TF no tratamento da SM. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o efeito terap?utico do TF sobre os par?metros bioqu?micos, express?o de adipocinas e sinaliza??o da insulina no tecido adiposo retroperitoneal e no TAM, al?m de avaliar a express?o g?nica das prote?nas desacopladoras (UCPs) no m?sculo gastrocn?mico e no tecido adiposo em ratos com SM induzida pela dieta hiperlip?dica. Ratos com 4 semanas de idade foram alimentados com dieta controle AIN-93 ou dieta hiperlip?dica por 13 semanas e submetidos submetidos ao TF por seis semanas, a partir da s?tima semana de dieta, o TF consistia em nata??o com carga de at? 2,5% do peso corporal. A temperatura corporal e a ingesta alimentar foram quantificados semanalmante. A avalia??o indireta da press?o arterial m?dia (PAM) atrav?s de pletismografia de cauda foi realizada ao final da 6? e 13? semana. No final da 13? semana foi avaliado tamb?m a cin?tica do lactato sangu?neo (kit comercial), os par?metros bioqu?micos em soro e plasma usando kits comerciais e as express?es de mRNA (qRT-PCR) foram avaliadas no tecido adiposo retroperitoneal, no BAT e no m?sculo gastrocn?mico. Os animais SM-SED (17.1?0.8 mmol/L; n=6) apresentaram n?veis de lactato maior comparados ao grupo CT-SED (9.7?1.0 mmol/L; n=6). O grupo SM-TF (8.9?0.58 n=6) apresentou redu??o comparada ao grupo SM-SED e similar ao grupo CT-SED. N?o foi observado diferen?a entre os grupos (CT-SED e SM-SED). Os animais do grupo SM-TF apresentaram aumento da temperatura corporal cinco minutos antes do TF e redu??o cinco minutos ap?s o TF na 11? e12? quando comparados ao grupo CT-TF. J?, na 13? semana o grupo SM-TF cinco minutos antes e ap?s o TF o CT-TF cinco minutos ap?s apresentaram IX redu??o da temperatura corporal quando comparado ao grupo CT-TF cinco minutos antes do TF. Os animais dos grupos SM-SED e SM-TF apresentaram redu??o da ingesta alimentar comparados ao grupo CT-SED na 6?, 9? e 12? semana. Os animais dos grupos SM-SED e SM-TF apresentaram aumento da PAM e FC comparados ao grupo CT-SED na 6? semana. J? na 13? semana, os animais do grupo SM-SED apresentaram um aumento da press?o arterial e frequ?ncia card?aca comparados ao grupo CT-SED. E, al?m disso, houve uma redu??o da PAM no grupo SMTF comparado ao grupo SM-SED. Os animais SM-SED quando comparados ao grupo CT-SED, apresentaram aumento do peso corporal (316?9,6 g vs 286 ? 6,3 g), do ?ndice de adiposidade (7.8 ? 0.7 vs 4.4?0.2), dos n?veis plasm?ticos (mmol/L) de glicose de jejum (6.95?0.11 vs 6.16?0.15), do colesterol total (1.98?0.07 vs 1.76?0.04). Os animais que foram submetidos ? dieta hiperlip?dica e ao TF quando comparados ao grupo SM-SED apresentaram diminui??o do ?ndice de adiposidade (4.4?0.2 vs 6.1?0.3), do HOMA IR (9.1?1.8 vs 15.5?2.4), da leptina (2.7?0.4 vs 17.9?5.9), da resistina (1.7?0.8 vs 9.9?3.4), da adpisina (7.7?0.8 vs 35.3?10.4), do COX-2 (0.02?0.01 vs 0.13?0.04) no tecido adiposo retroperitoneal e aumento do TAM (0.31?0.02g vs 0.12?0.01g) e da UCP3 (3.55?1.37 vs 0.001?9.48) no m?sculo gastrocn?mico. Nossos dados mostraram que o TF foi eficiente como tratamento por reverter diferentes altera??es metab?licas e biom?tricas no tecido adiposo retroperitoneal e aumentar a atividade termog?nica do TAM de ratos com SM j? estabelecida induzida por dieta hiperlip?dica.Metabolic Syndrome is characterized by the presence of metabolic disorders such as visceral white adipose tissue accumulation, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hypertension, endothelial dysfunction and proinflammatory state. The physical training has been recognized for preventing the development of metabolic syndrome to reduce the white adipose tissue and increase deposits of brown adipose tissue, peripheral insulin sensitivity and energy expenditure. However, there are no data in the literature regarding physical training efficiency in the treatment of metabolic syndrome. The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of physical training on the biochemical parameters, adipokines expression and insulin signaling in retroperitoneal adipose tissue and the brown adipose tissue and to evaluate the gene expression of uncoupling proteins (UCPs) in the gastrocnemius muscle and adipose tissue in rats with metabolic syndrome induced by high fat diet. Rats with 4 weeks of age were fed with AIN-93 diet control or fat diet for 13 weeks and the physical training for six weeks from the seventh week of the diet, animals were swimming with loading up to 2.5% of body weight. The body temperature and food intake were measured semanalmante. The indirect measurement of mean arterial pressure by tail plethysmography was performed at the end of the 6th and 13th week. At the end of the 13th week was also evaluated the kinetics of blood lactate (commercial kit), biochemical parameters in serum and plasma using commercial kits and mRNA expression (qRT-PCR) were evaluated in the retroperitoneal adipose tissue, BAT and muscle gastrocnemius. SM-SED animals (17.1 ? 0.8 mmol/L; n = 6) showed higher levels of lactate compared to CT-SED group (9.7 ? 1.0 mmol/L; n = 6). The SM-TF group (8.9 ? 0.58 n = 6) showed a decrease compared to the SM-SED group and similar to CT-SED group. There was no difference between groups (CT-SED and SM-SED). Animals SM-TF group showed an increase in body temperature five minutes before physical training and reduced five minutes after the physical training, the 11th, 12th when compared to CT-TF group. Already, in the 13th week the SM-TF group five minutes before and after physical training and CT- TF five minutes after decreased body temperature hen compared to CT-TF group five minutes XI before the physical training. Animal SM-SED and SM-TF groups showed reduced food intake compared to the CT-SED group in 6th, 9th and 12th week, respectively. The animals of the SM-SED and SM-TF groups showed an increase in mean arterial pressure and cardiac frequency compared to CT-SED group at 6 weeks. In the 13th week, the animals of the SM-SED group had an increase in blood pressure and heart rate compared to CT-SED group. And besides, there was a reduction in blood pressure in the SM-TF group compared to the SM-SED group. SM-SED animals when compared to CT-SED group showed an increase in body weight (316 ? 9.6 g vs. 286 ? 6.3 g) of fat index (7.8 ? 0.7 vs 4.4 ? 0.2) in plasma levels (mmol/L) fasting glucose (6.95 ? 0.11 vs 6.16 ? 0.15), total cholesterol (1.98 ? 0.07 vs 1 76 ? 0.04). The animals were subjected to high-fat diet and physical training compared to SM-SED group showed decreased adiposity index (4.4 ? 0.2 vs 6.1 ? 0.3), HOMA IR (9.1 ? 1.8 vs 15.5 ? 2.4), leptin (2.7 ? 0.4 vs 17.9 ? 5.9) of resistin (1.7 ? 0.8 vs 9.9 ? 3 4) of adpisina (7.7 ? 0.8 vs. 35.3 ? 10.4), COX-2 (0.02 ? 0.01 vs 0.13 ? 0.04) in the retroperitoneal adipose tissue and increased brown adipose tissue (0.31 ? 0.02 g vs 0.12 ? 0.01 g) and UCP3 (3.55 ? 1.37 vs 0.001 ? 9.48) in the gastrocnemius muscle. Our data showed that the physical training was effective as a treatment to reverse different metabolic and biometric changes in retroperitoneal adipose tissue and increase the thermogenic activity of brown adipose tissue rats with metabolic syndrome already established induced by high fat diet

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