Utopian Proposals and Political Shortcomings: Erasmus and the Mystical Body of Christ


La metáfora paulina del corpus Christi, utilizada abundantemente por Erasmo en sus escritos, ha tenido una enorme influencia en el pensamiento español del siglo XVI, dando origen a interpretaciones dispares del llamado corpus mysticum. Sin embargo, no se ha estudiado en igual medida su alcance y significado en el humanista holandés, que hace un uso de la misma mucho más cargado de utopismo que sus seguidores hispanos. El resultado es la dificultad de su aplicación política, lo que, por una parte, aumenta la autonomía del erasmismo español respecto de su inspirador y, por otra, puede permitir explicar el eclipse del erasmismo a partir de la muerte de su fundador.The Pauline metaphor of corpus Christi, used abundantly by Erasmus in his writings, has had an enormous influence on Spanish sixteenth-century thought, giving rise to different interpretations of the corpus mysticum. However, what has has not been studied to this extent is its scope and meaning in the Dutch humanist, who makes a use of it which is more loaded with utopianism than what we see in the thinking of his Hispanic followers. The result is a difficulty in its political implementation, on the one hand increasing the autonomy of Spanish Erasmism from its inspirer, and, on the other, allowing us to explain the eclipse of Erasmism after the death of its founder

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