
An Apple From the Teachers: Teachers' Unions Give Lessons on Contributing at the State Level


From 2003 through 2007, teachers' unions gave 112.5milliontocommitteesworkingon88ballotmeasuresin22states.Inaddition,internationalunionsNEAandAFTandtheiraffiliatesgavealmost112.5 million to committees working on 88 ballot measures in 22 states. In addition, international unions NEA and AFT and their affiliates gave almost 53 million to political campaigns for state candidates and political party committees.Fast FactsIncumbent legislators received 21millionofthe21 million of the 29.7 million given to legislative candidate committees.Nearly 97 percent of the money given by teachers' unions came from the home state of that union.Teachers' unions made up only 1 percent of the more than $4 billion given to all candidates from all sources between 2003 and 2007.Teachers' union contributions represent a small percentage of all money given to candidates or political party committees

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