The Control, Development and Utilization of the Missouri River and its Tributaries


The speakers at this conference were Professors Condra, Caldwell, Stout, Phillips, Bengtson, and Gov. George L. Sheldon, with Dean Charles E. Bessey presiding. The principal object of the meeting was to make known reliable information in regard to the Missouri river, concerning which there is widespread interest and in some instances a tendency to magnify the future possibilities of the river. This paper is an account of the conference. It gives some of the thoughts that were emphasized at the symposium, reciting the facts as they were given by those who have investigated the respective phases of the theme. GEOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS IN THE MISSOURI RIVER BASIN. BY G. E. CONDRA EARLY NAVIGATION ON THE MISSOURI RIVER. BY H. W. CALDWELL THE RELATIONS OF POWER AND IRRIGATION AT THE HEADWATERS OF THE MISSOURI TO FLOODS IN THE LOWER COURSES OF THE RIVER BY O. V. P. STOUT THE RELATIONS OF FORES\u27fS TO RUN-OFF WATER. BY F. J. PHILLIPS MEANDERS OF THE MISSOURI RIVER AND THEIR EFFECTS. BY. N. A. BENGTSON WAYS AND MEANS. GOV. GEO. L, SHELDON

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