Life satisfaction in Asian households : a model of health, family life and money


English: Life satisfaction has been extensively studied in developed countries frequently using methods of self-report questionnaires and correlational analysis. This paper contributes to existing literature in two novel respects: first, it makes use of data from a developing country and secondly, uses a third-party evaluation method to investigate the structural relationship between life satisfaction and health, family life and money. Eight versions of life combinations, each representing a combination of good/poor health, good/troubled family life and high/low salary, were distributed to eight subgroups of 100 respondents. A constrained cumulative logit (proportional odds) model is then fitted to the data. We find a complex nexus of interactions between the covariates under study and life satisfaction. What stands out is the dominance of family life compared with money and good health in meeting a more satisfied life among Asian households

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