
Redesign of NYS IPM Website,


The NYS IPM Program’s website is primarily a collection of documents about IPM practices, or about the program itself. Through the website one can access 12 Crop Profiles, 27 Elements of IPM, 117 Fact Sheets, 434 Project Reports, 10 Labeling documents, 80 Program description pages, 22 PSAs, over 100 online Brochures, Manuals, and Scholarly Papers, and numerous titles listed in our Catalog. Other supporting and informative pages bring the total to approximately 1800 pages. While the website in its current state is fulfilling its mission, (we expect to have over 1 million pages successfully downloaded by visitors this year), it was decided a year ago that the site could be much more efficient. Crafting ever-growing lists of our publications for static pages, and keeping them up-to-date, was becoming an overwhelming task. The graphic interface was beginning to look tired and old. A redesign was needed that would better handle the volume of information the site provides, and update its look

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