
Information from the Water Ingress Accident on AVR


An ingress of water occurred in the AVR reactor in May 1978. The reactor had been shut down and cooled by forced circulation; liquid water entered the primary circuit from a leak in the superheater, evaporated in passing through the core and condensed in the lower part of the primary circuit and in the ball handling region.Various fission product activities were measured in the water by the AVR scientists and a study was started to identify the sources of these activities and to derive information which could be used in the analyses of water ingress accidents in general. The first part of this study is reported in this note. The possible source terms are considered separately and estimates of their contributions are made, supported by data from previous laboratory experiments where possible. The main conclusion is that valuable information has been derived concerning the desorption of iodine, caesium and strontium from dust and primary circuit surfaces. A minimum programme of measurements and analytical work necessary to increase this information has been identified. An example of the application of the data to a particular accident to a power reactor is given to indicate how the information can affect the calculation of consequences. For the second part of the study, better estimates of the fission product concentrations in the primary circuit prior to the accident and various measurements when the reactor is operating again are required

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