
Vlog as a Branding Tool : How to Build a Brand with a Video Blog in Social Media


The purpose of the final year project was to examine how a video blog can help to build a brand and impact consumer engagement in social media. The goal of the project is to determine the possibility of a video blog channel as a branding tool with real-time online user engagement involvement. The project began with research on branding and social media presence including case studies. The project process was executed with the author building her own personal brand and creating a video blog channel with a social media strategy. The thesis illustrates how the branding process, content planning, audiovisual production, rebranding and content development, the implementation of a social media strategy and community management were executed in the project. The data was collected using YouTube analytics and the Facebook insights tool to analyse consumers’ reactions and their engagement numerically. The results show that there was an increase in consumer awareness of the brand and that changes occurred in consumers’ behaviour and preferences on the brand’s vlog and in social media. Evaluating the project demonstrates that in spite of the success of vlog utilisation, a diverse range of content was missed, which resulted in the brand having incorrect reputation. Overall, the project demonstrated the effect of vlog utilisation for branding and the impact of consumers’ influential engagement with brands in social media

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