
Implementation of IPv6


On 14 September 2012 last block of IPv4 has been allocated from the Regional Internet Register (RIR) across the Europe, Middle East and Asia. In addition, the demand of further addresses, security and efficient routing across Internet has been increasing every day. Hence, to provide the abundant IP addresses and also to overcome the shortcoming of IPv4, IETF developed a new protocol IPv6. IPv6 overcome the limitations of IPv4 and integrate advance feature. These advanced improvements include larger address space, more efficient addressing and routing, auto-configuration, security, and QOS. The main objective of this project was to implement IPv6 network in Cisco laboratory of Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences (RAMK). Cisco 2800 and 1700 Series routers, 3500 series Cisco Catalyst Switches, Microsoft Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows 8 and finally Mac OS X were used during implementation process. This project covers the implementation of IPv6, DHCPv6, DNS, Routing Protocols EIGRP, and Security. The goal of the project was to implement IPv6 to existing IPv4 network without affecting the running services. Furthermore, this project was implementation in Local Area Network (LAN) only

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