
Ipsilateral synchronous renal pelvic transitional cell carcinoma and renal cell carcinoma: a case report and review of the literature


腎盂尿管と腎実質の重複腫瘍は稀であり, 現在までに本邦では27例が報告されているにすぎない.肉眼的血尿を主訴として受診し精査の結果, 腎盂移行上皮癌と腎細胞癌の同時同側性重複腫瘍と診断された1例(75歳男)を経験したA case of ipsilateral transitional cell carcinoma of left renal pelvis and left-renal cell carcinoma is presented. A 75-year-old male consulted our hospital with the complaint of painless gross-hematuria which had persisted for four years. Excretory urography revealed left non-visualized kidney. Retrograde pyelography demonstrated the filling defect, which had an irregular border, in the left renal pelvis. The selective left renal arteriography revealed the hypervascular region in the left renal cortex. Intraarterial chemotherapy with CDDP, MTX and ADR was performed preoperatively. Then, total left nephroureterectomy and segmental resection of the bladder was done. The surgical specimen was pathologically diagnosed as transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and renal cell carcinoma of the left kidney. This case is the 23rd reported case of ipsilateral synchronous renal malignancy in Japan

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