
Retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma presenting as a soft tissue mass surrounding the aorta : report of a case


37歳男.人間ドックで蛋白尿を指摘され近医受診したところCT検査で腎茎部から大動脈分岐部にかけての傍大動脈領域にsoft tissue massを認められ精査目的に紹介された.MRI検査で同部位はT1強調像, T2強調像とも内部均一な低信号を呈し, 造影効果に乏しかった.67Gaシンチ検査では異常集積を認めなかった.これらの所見から胚細胞癌, 後腹膜線維症, 悪性リンパ腫, 悪性腫瘍の転移などを疑ったが, 生検の結果は神経節細胞腫であった.神経節細胞腫の典型的画像所見は境界明瞭な腫瘤を認め, MRIのT2強調で高信号を呈するが, 本例の所見はこれとは明らかに異なるものであったA 37-year-old man was hospitalized for a soft tissue mass around the aorta which had been incidently found by abdominal CT. Radiological finding and laboratory data were nonspecific for retoroperitoneal fibrosis, lymphnode metastasis of testicular carcinoma and lymphoma. Ultrasonography guided biopsy of the mass revealed ganglioneuroma of the retoroperitoneum. No growth of the mass was observed at 14 months follow up

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