Study on Interference Localization using DRSS/AOA Integrated Method


In localization techniques, the estimation methods used for source localization are typically based on received signal strength (RSS), time of arrival (TOA), time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA), angle-of arrival (AOA), or their combinations. Despite of lower location accuracy with a small number of nodes in general, differential received signal strength (DRSS)-based localization is a cost-effective solution with low-complexity. Specifically, it is attractive because DRSS is readily available in most types of wireless systems, and does not require accurate knowledge of transmitter such as the transmitted power. In this paper, a hybrid localization method is proposed to achieve better location accuracy. The proposed localization scheme combines DRSS from the base stations with the AOA measurement from the reference stations. Numerical results show that the proposed DRSS/AOA integrated method gives better location accuracy than AOA only location, when the number of base stations is small.DAPA/ADD/NGR

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