A Research on the Academic Activities about Korean Confucianism in Keijō Imperial University


In this paper, I will elucidate what kind of academic activities were done by the scholars who study Korean Confucianism at Keijō Imperial University. For this, I focus on the Joseon governor-general office's policy and connection with Kyeonghakwon. In 1911, the Joseon governor-general office changed Seongkyunkwan that was the highest education system in the Joseon period to Kyeonghakwon and curtailed its educational function. After the establishment of Keijō Imperial University in 1926, the educational and research function started to transfer to Keijō Imperial University while Takahashi Tōru and Fujitsuka Chikashi were producing achievements about Korean Confucianism. AfterKyeonghakwon established Myeonryungakuin the education institute,Takahshi and Fujitsuka became a professor both Keijō Imperial University and Kyeonghakwon. As well as the activities for the Joseon governor-general office,they also produced amount of research on Korean Confucianism. Generally, they published their works on the academic Journal such as Keeijō Imperial University Hobungakgakkai dai ni bu ronsan, Chosen, Chosen and Manshu, and Bunkyo no Chosen in Korea, Shibun and Kangakukai Journal in Japan. Takahashi and Fujitsuka also gave speech in both Korea and Japan, and the Japanese professors like a Hattori Unokichi and Uno Tetsuto who related with them held some lectures or speech in Korea, and published thesis in Korean Journals. Thus, the studies of Korean Confucianism in Keijo Imeprial University were closely connected with Joseon governor general office's policy and the Japanese academy field

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