Chinese Philosophy Course at Keijō Imperial University and Fujitsuka Chikashi


This paper explores the history and character of Chinese Philosophy Course in Keijō Imperial University, focusing on Fujitsuka Chikashi (1879-1948), a professor at Keijō Imperial University. Keijō Imperial University was Korea's first modern University, and long the only government university in Korea during the colonial period. The students of university conducted research under a variety of top-class scholars, which led to modern scholarship of Korea. Fujitsuka Chikashi was born in 1879 in Miyagi Prefecture. He studied Chinese Philosophy in Tokyo Imperial University and graduated in 1902. He stayed in Korea between 1926 and 1940 and was a professor of Chinese Philosophy and studied Kim Jeong-hee (1786-1856) who was a great scholar of bibliographical Study in Qing Dynasty. He was the only professor of Chinese Philosophy in Keijō Imperial University, but also he left lots of great works in the field of Chinese Philosophy. He is a key-person in order to understand the education of Chinese Philosophy in modern age of Korea

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