A Trivia to the Land of Culture: A didactic unit proposal on the topic of culture, lifestyle and customs to foster motivation and dynamism in an A1 EFL classroom


The didactic unit proposed in this Dissertation emerges as a result of the needs I detected in the observations I carried out in an A1 class of Escuela Oficial de Idiomas Nº1, Zaragoza. This project proposal originates with the aim of solving the lack of motivation from students and the lack of dynamism in the environment of the class. Thus, this didactic unit follows both a project-based approach and a game-based learning approach with gamification as its main technique. Thus, multiple games have been used to teach both grammatical contents and specific vocabulary on the topic of culture, lifestyle and customs. The unit pursues a communicative approach emphasising collaborative pair and group work. All these factors will help students to the creation of the final project that is to design questions for a Cultural Trivia adapted from the wellknown board game Trivial Pursuit<br /

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