Grain growth kinetics of nanocrystalline Cu-doped CeO2


Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti kinetiku rasta nanokristalnog cerijevog (IV) oksida (CeO2) te utjecaj dopiranja bakrom na kinetiku rasta. Čvrsta otopina cerijevog oksida i 10 mol. % bakra dobivena je hidrotermalnom sintezom te je termički obrađivana na različitim temperaturama i vremenima obrade. Neobrađeni uzorak i obrađeni uzorci analizirani su rendgenskom difrakcijskom analizom praha te je na temelju dobivenih difraktograma pomoću Scherrerove jednadžbe izračunavana veličina kristalita. Na temelju dobivenih veličina kristalita određeni su kinetički parametri rasta i doneseni zaključci o utjecaju dopiranja bakrom na stabilnost cerijevog oksida.The aim of this research was to determine the growth kinetics of nanocrystalline cerium (IV) oxide (CeO2, ceria) and the influence of copper doping on the growth kinetics. Solid solution of ceria and 10 mol.% of copper was prepared by hydrothermal synthesis and further thermally processed at different temperatures and various durations. The samples were then analysed by X-ray diffraction. Using the Scherrer equation, the crystal size was calculated from the obtained diffractograms. Based on the crystallite sizes, the conclusions about the influence of copper doping on kinetic parameters of growth and stability of the ceria can be derived

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