Preparations for dam creation on Polojac creek : master’s thesis


Ovaj diplomski rad opisuje pripremne radnje i preliminarni projekt brane na potoku Polojac. Brana se gradi za potrebe zaštite od poplava te radi navodnjavanja poljoprivrednih površina, a stvoriti će akumulaciju površine 0,57 km2. Prospekcijom terena predloženo je povoljno pregradno mjesto. Provedena terenska, laboratorijska i geofizička istraživanja temelj su za izradu inženjersko-geološkog profila i odabir vrijednosti karakterističnih parametara tla. Prema Eurokodu 7, provedeni su proračuni procjeđivanja, stabilnosti i slijeganja brane za nekoliko projektnih situacija (pr. potres, naglo sniženje razine vode). Na osnovi provedenih proračuna, može se zaključiti da građevina zadovoljava sve uvjete stabilnosti koje zahtijeva Eurokod 7.Abstract: This master’s thesis describes preparatory work and preliminary design for the Polojac dam. The dam will be constructed for the purposes of flood protection and irrigation of agricultural land; it will create a reservoir area of 0.57 km2. On the basis of field investigations, a favorable partition space for the dam is proposed. Site investigation, laboratory, and geophysical studies are the basis for determining the soil-profile and values of characteristic soil parameters. According to Eurocode 7, calculations of seepage, stability and subsidence were carried out for several project situations (e.g., earthquake, rapid draw down). Based on the calculations performed, it can be concluded that the dam meets all the stability requirements of Eurocode 7

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