Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline/pullulan (pani/pull) composite


Microwave assisted synthesis of polyaniline modified by pullulan (PANI/Pull) composite wasperformed by aniline oxidation with potassium iodate. The PANI/Pull composite was characterizedusing ATR-FTIR technique. FTIR spectra confirm presence of both components in PANI/Pullcomposite. Antimicrobial evaluation of PANI/Pull material performed by using a qualitative diskdiffusion method on Candida albicans (C. albicans) culture showed very high sensitivity toPANI/Pull composite. Observed FTIR and antifungal activity represent a promising results especiallyfor potential biomedical applications of PANI/Pull composite.Poster: [https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5431

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