
Pinned synthetic ferrimagnets with perpendicular anisotropy and tuneable exchange bias


This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.Pinned synthetic ferrimagnets (syFerri) with perpendicular-to-plane magnetic anisotropy, of the form AP1/Ru/AP2/FeMn [where AP1 and AP2 are (Co/Pt) multilayers], have been prepared and characterized. The magnitudes of the exchange bias fields of both AP1 and AP2 can be tuned at room temperature by simply varying the relative number of (Co/Pt) repeats in each multilayer. This effect can be quantitatively interpreted by considering the different energy contributions involved during magnetization reversal. Moreover, from the values of these fields, the characteristic parameters of the system (i.e., coupling strength through the Ru and AP2/FeMn pinning energy), can be evaluated. Interestingly, an extended plateau with a virtually constant magnetization is observed around zero field when the number of Co/Pt repeats in AP1 is equal or larger than in AP2. This is very appealing for field sensor or memories applications using spin valves or tunnel junctions with perpendicular anisotropy, since it offers a large dynamic range over which the magnetic configuration of the syFerri remains stable

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