
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Aktif Inquiring Minds Want to Know Guna Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Akuntansi Pad Siswa Kelas X Akuntansi Smk Murni 2 Surakarta Tahun Ajaran 2012/2013


The objective of research was to find out whether or not there is an improvement of Accounting learning achievement through inquiring minds want to know type of active learning model in the X Accounting graders of SMK Murni 2 Surakarta in the school year of 2012/2013. This study employed a Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subject of research was the X Accounting graders of SMK Murni 2 Surakarta consisting of 21 students. The result of research showed the increased percentage of affective, psychomotor, and cognitive ability levels among the students. The mean percentage affective level was 69.29% in cycle I and 78.10% in cycle II, increasing by 8.81%. The mean percentage of psychomotor ability was 70.24% in cycle I and 77.38% in cycle II, increasing by 7.14%. The mean percentage of cognitive ability was 69.42% in cycle I and 77.90% in cycle II, increasing by 8.48%. Considering the research conducted, it could be concluded that the inquiring minds want to know type of active learning model use could improve the accounting learning achievement (either process or product). It was reflected on several indicators of student ability assessment improving in each cycle

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    Last time updated on 30/01/2017