Multi-Wire Detectors for Underground Muography


The use of cosmic muons in imaging large artificial or geological structures started to flourish in the last decades, with the technological advancement in particle physics instrumentations. Muography became a most effective way to locate hidden density anomalies in geological structures, which includes revealing unknown parts of natural cave systems underneath the mountains. Our group has developed a series of gaseous multi-wire particle detectors for muography applications, with targets ranging from volcanology to speleology. Advancements in durability, power consumption, portability, and acquisition system have been proven via field measurements in natural sites besides extensive laboratory testing. The poster is dedicated to give details on the main requirements, components, and solutions which are means to transform standard particle detectors to be practically applicable in underground muography. We will present the expanded scale of experimental systems, targeting upgraded high-resolution tomography, hole-fit small-scale devices, and even economical simplified versions for exploratory measurements. These muography detectors could soon become effective novel tools in geo-sciences

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