
Neo-Pedagogical Style for Acculturating the Beginners in Architecture Schools; Psycho-social Issues


Amidst the charades of events taking place in the landscape of educational training, the search for pedagogical style for beginners to make a choice, kick start and pursue a career and practice in architecture, have been major neglected areas in most schools around the world today. The consequential effect of these have in one way or the other, endangered the vocation of many and misdirected the potentials i.e. skills, gifts, talents, and intelligences of many candidates-students along stream. These pedagogic obstacles have been linked to psycho-social forces: lack of proper guidance and counselling ethos from the early schools, unchecked infiltration of admission process, selfish-ambitious interests, misplaced priorities and assumptions by the candidate-students, parents and guardians. The National education policy (NPE) stakeholders’ i.e. National University Commission (NUC), their subsidiaries, government agencies, and other interested stakeholders need to focus on pragmatic strategies capable of salvaging the victims of these pedagogic traps. This study performed a critical observation and survey on the new entrants of 2012/2013 admitted architecture students of Covenant University as a pretested model. The analysis showed that the status quo of architectural educators, professional and other regulatory bodies of Architecture in Nigeria are yet to develop a pedagogical Style (framework) for procuring and igniting beginning students to kick start, pursue, scaffold and run their career-practice in architecture. The results showed that some parameters are missing out of place, hence, these pedagogical obstacles and traps. Further to this, some hindrances impinging on the beginners’ learning and attitudes were identified and discussed along with suggestions and pedagogic proposals which may aid the Acculturating Processe

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