Survey of the Labor Market for New Ph.D. Hires in Economics 2001-2002


This year, the survey questionnaire was sent to 361 organizations. Questionnaires were returned by 135 (37.4 percent) for a response rate that was lower than the 2000-01 survey response rate of 48.2 percent. Twenty-two responses for this year’s survey were received significantly after the deadline and not included in the results. However, an updated version will include the late responses and will be posted on our web site at Of this year\u27s responses, 93 (68.9 percent) were from those who responded to last year\u27s survey; 42 (31.1 percent) came from new respondents. Among the academic institutions responding, the highest degree offered was: Ph.D.- 51.8 percent; Master - 11.8 percent; Bachelor - 28.2 percent. The remaining 11.1 percent did not indicate their highest degree offered. One of the responders was a non-academic organization. The responses are reported for all respondents (including non-academic institutions and schools that did not report highest degree offered ), and separately for Ph.D. degree-granting institutions and for schools whose highest degree offered is the Bachelor or Master degree. Data for institutions in the National Research Council\u27s Research Doctorate Report, 1995, are reported as a subset of Ph.D. degree-granting schools. They are referred to as the Top 30

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