An Unconventional Pathway: A Qualitative Inquiry Into the Experience of Racial Minority Transfer Students


Transfer students’ success is increasingly being discussed in higher education. A large population of transfer students includes racial minority, low-income, and first-generation college students. Due to the multiple layers of students’ identities, it has been difficult for educational leaders in institutions to grasp the essential elements needed to serve these students. As a result, this qualitative study contributes to this discussion and efforts to support the transfer student’s success. In this study, qualitative methods, including interviews with 14 students from 4-year universities and community colleges and a survey, were used to identify the steps and resources associated with supporting transfer students. The critical race theory framework served as the central lens to determine how racial factors played a vital key in the students’ post-transfer experience. The goal of this study was to ensure that the transfer students receive the essential resources and guidance from their institutions to have a successful transfer pathway to earning their degree

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