A Custom Rideshare Payload Adapter for Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Microsatellites Launched in Tandem


The steep rise in the effects of climate change has opened new opportunities in space-based monitoring of greenhouse gases (GHG). The Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) is currently developing GHGSat-C3/C4/C5, a group of three Earth observation microsatellites to increase the GHGSat constellation’s emissions monitoring capabilities. Each microsatellite is deployed into orbit with the XPOD Delta, a spacecraft dispenser developed at SFL. This paper outlines the design of an XPOD Adapter for Launch in Tandem (XALT) to mount three GHGSat satellites on a SpaceX Rideshare launch. The driving requirements are presented along with XALT’s key design features, including provisions for ground support equipment. Finite element analysis was performed to confirm all launch loads can be met with healthy margin. XALT was designed to have a first natural frequency of approximately 60 Hz to avoid coupling with the resonant frequencies of the loaded XPOD and the launch vehicle. Vibration testing was conducted on XALT to qualify the design for launch and to gather data. The finite element model was correlated to match experimental data which can then be used to generate vibration testing profiles for each flight XPOD

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