Multidisciplinary Reference Solutions for Performance-Optimized Aircraft Wings with Tailored Aerodynamic Load Distributions


Morphing wings, or wings that can change shape during flight, have the potential to substantially reduce the amount of fuel consumed by an aircraft over the course of its flight. However, the extent to which these wings can reduce fuel consumption depends on the design of the wing, including its aerodynamic efficiency and its structural layout, and how the aircraft flies, including its flight altitude and speed. Correctly predicting how these design and operational characteristics interact is critical to predicting how wing morphing may affect aircraft fuel consumption. Many computer prediction tools exist that include the effects of these interactions, but extracting the information needed to understand how the interactions work from most of these tools is very difficult. In this dissertation, some simplified models are presented that more directly reveal key information about the interplay between aerodynamics, structures, control, and the flight trajectory in the design of morphing wings. This information is used to characterize the impacts of wing morphing on aircraft efficiency

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