The Alvar Aalto Silo project and the re-urbing of Meri-Toppila, Oulu:ecosystem design in the calibration of an urban area through flagship architecture


Abstract. The aim of this Diploma Thesis is to present a model implementation of “Urban Calibration”, meaning : a series of design, policy and strategic decision-making actions located in a depressed city sector applied in order to configure its development into an acceptable range of progress and innovation. In order to materialise a prospective implementation model of Urban calibration, the following study will present a real life work in progress case, The Aalto Silo project in the Meri-Toppila neighbourhood, Oulu,Finland; as a vehicle to explore following topics: Adaptive Management, Ecosystem Design and Urban Narrative. Moreover, a tentative definition of the term “Re-Urbing”, as the projectual process of reactivating a deprived city area will be addressed

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