Convincing different risk characteristic individuals to provide their solar panel electricity generation to the electricity grid


Abstract. Solar availability in Finland is abundant but the effective use by the public is minimal. This thesis is to go forth and explain the benefits of solar energy but also demonstrate the financial prospects for this venture. Due to the plethora of options of this subject can be explored, this thesis paper will observe individual’s decisions with different risk characteristics. The decisions made by the different risk characteristics will be explained and how to motivate them to follow through a certain decision will be discussed. This will be done through theories and data that serve to enhance the decision making of these individuals. An insight to some theories used is Choice theory, Game Theory, and Contract theory. These theories have been explored in different research papers separately and have done with extensive research. Taking from those examples and combing them in this thesis gives a better understanding into the decision making of an individual. Previous research papers are key as the knowledge gained will become the backbone of this thesis paper. The point of this master thesis is to not provide a critical analysis on previous research papers but, to aid the progression of solar energy in Finland and suggest a potential solution that is found in these theories and data. This solution can help to increase the activity of solar panel as this type of energy is qualified for a pareto improvement. Solar energy can play a crucial role in Finland, and it starts with the individual

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